Law Notes

Review under CPC

Review means consideration, inspection or re-examination of a subject or thing. So, the review of judgment is to examine or study again the facts and judgment of the case.

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Concept of Revision under CPC

INTRODUCTION Section 115 of the Code of Civil Procedure, 1908 deals about Revision. The Higher Courts have revision jurisdiction and can call for the record

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Bhavna Gupta and others vs State of Punjab

Punjab and Haryana High CourtDated 04.01.2024 पत्रकार भावना गुप्ता के खिलाफ एससी/एसटी एक्ट में दर्ज एफआईआर को पंजाब-हरियाणा हाईकोर्ट ने रद्द कर दिया । अपने

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Foreign Judgment in CPC

Res Judicata is a phrase which has been evolved from latin maxim , which stand for „the thing
has been judged’ meaning there by that the issue before the court has already been decided by
another court, between the same parties. Therefore , the court will dismiss the case before it as
being useless.

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the plaintiff filed a suit for damages against the tramway company for damages caused by the negligence of the company in allowing the tramway to be in defective condition. The company denied the allegation of negligence.

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Pleadings and its fundamental rules in CPC

Pleadings are statements made by suit in support of their rights, either by plaintiff or defendant. So, it is a formal statement regarding cause of action, matters in issue and relief claimed by the party. These three are the essential elements of a pleading.

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Execution and Modes of Execution in CPC

Execution is the medium by which a decree holder constrains the judgment-debtor to do the command of the decree or order as the case may be. It empowers the decree holder to recover the products of the judgment.

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Plaint in CPC

Introduction A Plaint is a legal document that contains the content of any civil suit which shows the Plaintiff’s claim after filing suit. The plaint

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Ex Parte Decree in CPC

Introduction In situations where the defendant is noticeably absent on the scheduled hearing day as outlined in the summons, an ex-parte decree can be rendered.

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