Difference between Admissions and Estoppel under Evidence Act

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The rules regarding admissions is laid down under Sec-17-23 & 31 of

the Indian Evidence Act

The rule regarding Estoppel is laid down under section 115 of Evidence Act

An admission is a statement, oral or documentary which suggests an inference as to any fact in issue or relevant fact, and which is made by any of the parties to a civil suit under certain circumstances.

An Estoppel is a rule of evidence which prohibit a person from contradicting his former representation or conduct, which provides no one shall be allowed to speak or behave contrary to that his earlier statement.

Admissions are not conclusive evidence. It can be rebutted against their makers and those claiming under them by positive proof.

Estoppel is conclusive.

In some circumstances the admission of third person binds the parties to the suit. Sec-90 & 20 of Indian Evidence Act.

Estoppel operates only against person making representation and his legal representative.

Admission is a weak kind of evidence

Estoppel is regarded as decisive    evidence of high quality

Admission does not necessarily induce detriment.

Estoppel induced detriment in the  position of maker.


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