Anil Sharma HPS

Concept of Rule of Law under Administrative Law

The clearest way to show what the rule of law means to us in everyday life is to recall what has happened when there is no rule of law.                                                                                  –Dwight D. Eisenhower

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Doctrine of Retrospective Legislation

The meaning of the word retrospective is backdated or to look back. Therefore, the retrospective law is a law that has backdated effect or is effective since before the time it is passed. . The retrospective law is also referred to as ex post facto law.

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Modern environmental law has its roots in the Common Law principles of nuisance. The substantive law for the protection of the citizen’s environment is basically that of Common

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Earth Summit or RIO DE JANEIRO (1992)

The United Nations Conference on Environment and Development (UNCED), popularly known as Earth Summit, was held in June, 1992 at Rio de Janeiro wherein more than 150 heads/representatives

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Exclusion of Natural Justice

Though the normal rule is that a person who is affected by administrative action is entitled to claim natural justice, the requirement may be excluded under certain exceptional circumstances.

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Droit Administratif

Droit administratif is a branch of law which determines the organisation, powers, and duties of public administration. According to Dicey droit administratif is that portion of French Law which determines

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Control of Public Corporations

The principal purpose underlying the establishment of public Corporations is to promote economic activity through autonomous bodies. As a matter of fact, these Corporations

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