Anil Sharma HPS

Application for Patent of Invention

The Patents Act lays down a procedure for the grant of patent to an inventor to exploit his invention for 20 years subject to the fulfilment of certain conditions. The first step is to make an application in the

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Invention that are not Patentable

It is not mandatory for an inventor to apply for a patent in respect of his invention. It is optional. The inventor may prefer to keep his invention secret instead of applying for a patent by disclosing it.

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Objectives of Patent Act 1970

A patent is an exclusive privilege given to the author by the State to prohibit anyone from utilizing, creating, and selling an invention for a specified duration of time. It applies to a monopoly right on an invention. However, not all inventions are patentable

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Terms of Copyright under Copyright Act

Copyright in a work does not subsist in perpetuity. The term of copyright protection is limited to the life of the author and fifty years after his death (usually referred to as ‘fifty years pma’ i.e. post mortem auctoris) in most of the countries. The limited duration

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Copyright is one of the Intellectual Property Rights. In India, copyright is sui generis right. It is considered a natural right as it is automatically granted to the creator of the original literary (including computer programs), dramatic, musical

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Authorities under Copyright Act 1957

The term copyright office is given under section 9 on the Copyright Act, 1957 makes it compulsory to have a copyright office. The copyright office is controlled by the registrar of copyright which is appointed by the Union government, which means

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Rio 2012, Rio+20 or “Earth Summit 2012”

The United Nations Conference on Sustainable Development (UNCSD), also known as Rio 2012, Rio+20 or “Earth Summit 2012” was the third international conference on sustainable development aimed at reconciling the economic

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