November 19, 2023


proclamation means that a person accused of an offence is absconding and he could not be traced out for effecting arrest with the help of warrant. And therefore, the Court requires to make a publication
proclamation means that a person accused of an offence is absconding and he could not be traced out for effecting arrest with the help of warrant. And therefore, the Court requires to make a publication

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Warrant of Arrest under CrPC

It is a written order issued by a Court to a police officer to arrest and produce an offender or to search his premises for a particular thing. A police officer who executes the warrant shall notify the substance thereof to the person to be arrested and if he demands, shall show him the warrant.

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Process to compel Appearance through Summon under CrPC

The Code prescribes mainly two processes to compel the attendance of the accused i.e. issuance of summons to him or issuance of warrant and arresting him. It is completely within the discretion of the Magistrate to prefer one method over other. But such discretion must be exercised judicially.

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